
اتبع هذه النصائح لتحسين تطورك المهني ترجمة: دعاء الشافعي :حدد الأهداف حدد أهدافًا ذكية يمكنك تتبعها (على أن تكون هذه الأهداف …

طرق لإلهام موظفيك كيفية بناء ثقتهم بأنفسهم الثقة بالنفس هي مهارة مهمة لابد من امتلاكها، إذ تتيح للموظفين مشاركة آرائهم بأريحية …

Self-confidence is an important skill to have. Confident employees can take risks, live up to their potential, and share their opinions. …

Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based) goals that you can track.

Mental Health issues are on the rise. According to the mental health foundation, 1 in 8 adults receives mental health treatment.

Misconception: “A therapist is going to tell me something is wrong with me.”

Good sleep contributes to your overall sense of wellness and health. One must maintain good sleeping habits or sleep hygiene in order to sleep well.

Transference is derived from the Latin verb “transferre” which means to carry over.

Ramadan can be a great opportunity for self-reflection and improved spirituality, both for those fasting and not fasting.

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